Language Networks

Natural language processing is the use of statistics to obtain information from textual data. I am interested in the intersection of network science and natural language processing, such as the properties of networks of text like Wikipedia, or blog networks. Additionally, I am interested in topic modeling, or grouping text data into intelligible topics, a technique that has a number of similarities to modelling of heterogeneous networks.

Representative Work

Jackson, J. C., Watts, J., Henry, T. R., List, J., Forkel, R., Greenhill, S., Gray, R., &  Lindquist, K. (In Press) Emotion semantics show cultural variation and universal structure across languages of the world. Science. 

Henry, T. R., Banks D., Chai C., Owens-Oas, D. (2019). Modeling community structure and  topics in dynamic text  networks. Journal of Classification.